Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Welcome to The Right Trigger!

I started writing reviews of videogames that I've played in late 2012, and I would always post them to Facebook.  Lately I've got to thinking that maybe I ought to find a more official place to put my reviews, so here we are now. My goal as a reviewer is to bring whoever happens to read my stuff the kind of thing that most reviewers don't bring: opinion.
Too often reviewers are constrained by the confines of unbiased reviewing: they may capture the exoskeleton of what a game brings to the table, and they will either praise or crucify it based on that soft exterior, but this alone is not enough. Other times you have reviewers who use too much opinion, who set out to crucify every game they come across. They play with the intention being to write a negative review right from the start, because that is their modus operandi.
 I hope to go beyond the shell and into the flesh and bone of each game that I review. But every game will be reviewed strictly to my own standards, which are never written in stone. The big wig reviewers are often held to standards of their parent company and are forced to go with what the larger population wants, but this is not the case with me.
The motto here at The Right Trigger is "Fair, Biased, Truthful," a seemingly contradictory motto, but that is not the case. I will give all games a fair chance: no matter if at the beginning they seem to suck, or if they seem to be great, I will get far enough to be able to bring a review that covers the entire plane of its existence; that is what the "fair" in the motto means. All reviews will be heavily opinionated: I will not be a judicial branch, lingering at the edges of meaning in the interest of appealing to set in stone models of impersonal reviewing. Each review will be personal, and I will express my opinions uninhibitedly, so that anyone who reads knows what effect the meat and bones of a game have on actual people; that is what the "biased" in the motto means. I will not bow to other opinions of games: Too often a game with no redeeming value will be held up as a masterpiece by the big wigs in an attempt to earn their share of the developer's pie, and even the smaller reviewers will bow to this to avoid bringing the wrath of the populace down upon them. If I think that a game given masterpiece status by the big wigs sucks, then I will crucify it if it needs to be crucified, if I think that a game given failure status by the big wigs is fantastic, then I will praise it if it needs to be praised; that is what the "truthful" in the motto means.

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